Name: Gözde Alkan
ESR 5: Selective leaching for Ti recovery
Tell us a little about yourself?
I was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1989 and since that time I haven't even changed the flat I live in 🙂 After completing B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering in METU, I felt myself ready for a new adventure. In my M.Sc. years, I found what makes me happy is research. So, I decided to pursue Ph.D. With these two desires, I found myself in Germany 🙂
In a short manner; 26 years old, auntie of one, a Yoga and Pilates lover.
How is your PhD going? What is your upcoming research about?
Actually, now I am in the honeymoon stage of a Ph.D. which is literature review 😉 Our research is something useful for humankind; converting a residue (red mud) into a precursor and recovering many precious metals from it. This idea excites me so much. Specifically, my project focuses on recovery of titanium from red mud by hydrometallurgical methods.
What or who motivates and inspires you? Any thoughts and life musings you’d like to share with us?
To be honest, I don't take specific inspiration from anybody but have always tried to find what makes me happy in life and follow that route. “ What is done in love is done well “ is the quote that I always try to apply.
If a chicken had lips, could it whistle?
Why not? 🙂