Bernd Friedrich


Supervisor ESR 1, ESR 10
WP1 Leader

Bernd Friedrich


Full professor for process metallurgy and metal recycling and head of IME at RWTH Aachen University since July 1th, 1999

Teaching Basic Course „Process Metallurgy and Recycling (Part NF Metallurgy)“, Basic Course „Planung und Wirtschaftlichkeit metallurgischer Anlagen“, Major Course „Metallurgische Prozesstechnik I-III“, Module I „Thermische Gewinnungsprozesse der NE-Metalle“, Module II „Thermische affinationsprozesse der NE-Metalle“, Module IIIa „Hydrometallurgie“, Module IIIb „Ressourceneffizienz beim etallrecycling“,   Module IIIc „Metallurgie und Eigenschaften von Al-Schmelzen“ ,physical separation technique.

Fields of research: Vacuum-, electro- and hydrometallurgy, Eco-friendly recycling processes, Wastewater technology and waste reutilization, Applied electrochemistry and molten salt electrolysis, Materials engineering of NF-metals, Alloys, especially special metals, Mass balance studies on extractive metallurgy, Nano powder spray pyrolysis.

Articles in journals: 95

Congress or meeting articles: 129

Books or book articles: 2

76 bachelor theses

94 diploma-/master theses

32 dissertations

Founding member and CEO of Aluminium Engineering Center e.V., Founding initiator and CEO of AKR e.V. (Aachener KnowHowCenter Resource Technology),              Co-founder and member of at CHAMP („Center for highly advanced materials and processes“),          GDMB-leader of special metals committee (2004 - 2010), Dean and vice-dean at Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering and senator at RWTH Aachen (2004 - 2012), Adviser board member ACCESS e. V. Aachen (since 2010),      Founder member and spokesman of AMAP GmbH open innovation cluster (Advanced Metals and Processes)

  • 1977

University-entrance diploma in Aachen (naturwissenschaftl. Couven-Gymnasium)

  • 1978 – 1983

University studies on non-ferrous metallurgy and electrometallurgy at RWTH Aachen

  • 1984 – 1987

Scientific assistent at the institute for narferousmetallurgy and electro-metallurgy

  • 1988

Awarded a doctorate in engineering (Dr.-Ing.), Topic: „Electronic Refining of Tin using pached bed Anodes“

  • 1988 – 1992

Head of R&D department at GfE Nürnberg (special metals, ferro-alloys, and functional materials, metal and waste recycling)

  • 1992 – 1995

Head of business unit/profit center hydrogen-/hydride technology and functional materials at GfE Nürnberg

  • 1995 – 1999

Head of production sites Hagen and Ceska Lipa of Varta Batterie AG, Head of research center „new rechargeable batteries “ in Hagen, R&D-coordinator 3C-Alliance (Varta-Toshiba-Duracell)

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