Redmud Conference – Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices – Leuven, October 2015

Dear Colleague,

We believe bauxite residue is a resource. A material that can be valorised, a missed opportunity. We are also aware that our current practice in some parts of the planet has to be revised. We need to change our modus operandi and become more aware and thoughtful on our footprint on Earth.

This letter is an invitation to this cause, a call to transform our concern into an opportunity. We want to become part of the solution and contribute also ourselves to a more sustainable way of using our resources.

This letter is an invitation for the conference on “Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices” that will take place in Leuven, October 2015. We would be honoured if you would like to be part of it and help us collectively organise a conference that will be successful. Our goal is to attract a number of researchers around the world and promote the most realistic and scientifically sound solutions for bauxite residue. Ideas that are novel and exciting, in the framework of industrial symbiosis, which can exploit the potential of Bauxite Residue as a secondary resource.

This will be our conference. It will take place inside the KU Leuven campus, in the old charming Thermotechnical Institute that consists of an auditorium and a museum hall displaying historical engines. We will have a number of invited lectures but the floor will be given to all poster presenters for a short presentation as well. We will not have too many presenters as we need to get to know each other; coffee breaks and our meals are equally important. The symposium dinner will take place in another hidden secret of Leuven, the Faculty Club. Finally, the conference will close with an open discussion on the important findings, messages-to-take-home and further actions, whereas an award will be given to the best presentation. The revenues from the conference will become in fact the award, including travelling, accommodation and working costs for a researcher to come and spend time in KU Leuven, giving access to top-notch facilities in the hope that this will accelerate the research!

Dear colleague, we have the motivation and willingness to organise a conference and take action in transforming bauxite residue into a valuable raw material…and we have the experience to do this professionally.

We look forward to your involvement in this journey!

Yiannis Pontikes,

On behalf of the organising committee