ETN REDMUD researcher wins 2019 SETAC Europe LCA Young Scientist Award

The SETAC Europe Young Scientist LCA Award recognizes exceptional achievements by a young scientist in the field of life cycle assessment. This year, Peter James Joyce, ETN REDMUD researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, won the 2019 SETAC Europe Young Scientist LCA Award.  The steering committee recognizes that Peter James’s contributions to LCA “span a broad range of topics including standardization of methods, enabling others to apply LCA methods via development of user-friendly tools and meaningful application of LCA in wide variety of relevant areas, serving the larger LCA community and demonstrating great skill.” 

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment tells more about James and his work: 

More work by Peter james Joyce:

P. J. Joyce, A. Björklund – Using Life Cycle Thinking to Assess the Sustainability Benefits of Complex Valorization Pathways for Bauxite Residue (, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy

P. J. Joyce, Lcopt – An interactive tool for creating fully parameterised Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) foreground models (, The Journal of Open Source Software

P. J. Joyce, T. Hertel, A. Goronovski, A. H. Tkaczyk, Y. Pontikes, A. Björklund – Identifying hotspots of environmental impact in the development of novel inorganic polymer paving blocks from bauxite residue (, Resources, Conservation & Recycling

P. J. Joyce, A. Goronovski, A. H. Tkaczyk, A. Björklund – A framework for including enhanced exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in LCA (, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment