Best Bauxite Residue Paper Award goes for ETN REDMUD


‘Best Bauxite Residue Paper Award’ at the 35th International ICSOBA 2017 Conference goes to ETN REDMUD paper “High Temperature Processing Options for the Valorisation of Bauxite Residue toward New Materials” by Tobias Hertel, Bart Blanpain and Yiannis Pontikes. The conference took place in Hamburg, Germany from 2-5 October 2017

Seven PhD candidates of the MSCA REDMUD project attended this year’s edition of the ICSOBA conference in Hamburg (2nd to 5d1 of October). Next to sessions on bauxite, alumina, carbon, aluminium and downstream, a technical session on bauxite residue was introduced this year which was organised by Prof. Dr. Yiannis Pontikes. Within this session, nine talks were given by the REDMUD fellows about the newest findings in bauxite residue valorization. Johannes Vind gave a lecture about the distribution of trace elements through the Bayer Process and its by-products. David Arino Montoya presented the his findings on novel alternative low-carbon footprint cements incorporating high volumes of bauxite residue. The behavior of silica during metal recovery from bauxite residue by acidic leaching was discussed by Rodolfo Marin Riveira. Chiara Bonomi’s talk was about an ionometallurgical leaching process of bauxite residue with a focus on the comparison between hydrophilic and hydrophobic ionic liquids. A reductive roasting process was presented by Chiara Chardenia which aims for the recovery of iron oxides from bauxite residue by using a rotary kiln furnace followed by magnetic separation. Two presentations were given by Buhle Xakalashe who presented firstly a combined smelting and hydrometallurgical treatment of bauxite residue for metal recovery, and a collaboration with Pritii Tam Wai Yin, about a process for the recovery of iron which is followed by aluminium recovery by slag leaching. Tobias Hertel gave two lectures, one about using bauxite residue slurry as an activator for slags in so-called hybrid binder systems and in another talk he suggested several high temperature modification of bauxite residue towards novel binder materials with potential metal recovery. The last day of a successful conference was reserved for visits to the alumina refinery (DADCO) and the Trimet smelter.